Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Prawn of Windu ( Penaeus Monodon )

Prawn of Windu ( Penaeus Monodon )

Prawn of Windu represent one of the many prawn type which many conducting by [all] farmer of prawn. If/When will be mentioned, lobster of penaeid which included in prawn dam out for example prawn of windu ( Penaeus Monodon ), white prawn ( Penaeus Merguiensis ), prawn of werus ( Metapenaeus Monoceros and berkenroadi Metapenaeus ), and sandalwood prawn ( Metapenaeus Brevicornis). Germinal [of] reeling of fishpond prawn caused [by] its shut-in [of] prawn which [is] in phase of postlarva in fishpond.

long within, this prawns [of] shut-in and become bigly is. Chosen [of] prawn him of windu as especial choice [of] farmer of prawn of[is no other because in character having high resilience to its environment. With high resilience, conservancy of prawn of windu reach large sizely ( size king), that is 80-100 g / tail can reach during 5-6 months.

Source : M.Syahid, Ali Subhan, Rochim Armando, 2006

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