Pros and cons [is] quality of fishery media very is determining [of] storey;level produce fish. Because fish production will mount if its conservancy media [of] production and goodness will be downhill if its bad conservancy media.
Quality of fishery media like water and land;ground will support product increase of fishery if [done/conducted] [by] repair of conducting media quality. Quality of ugly fishery usually happened [at] effort intensive pattern conducting.
Generally intensive conducting use solid [is] high dispersion which followed [by] abundant food to cause heaping of fish dirt and pigswill in fish conducting media. This condition result downhill water quality and quality, storey;level acidity of water will mount, oxygen rate go down, and heaping of poison gas.
If materials of organic which must be elaborated [by] its amount more than amount of decomposition mikroorganisme, will cause decomposition process become to be pursued. To overcome the the condition many way of [done/conducted]. And one of them [is] in the case of overcoming the problem of decomposition pursued that is by using mikroorganisme of[is non pathogen ( EM4 = Effective Mikroorganisme).
EM4 = Effective Mikroorganisme as inokulan [at] conducting media, EM4 will quicken decomposition of organic materials so that can depress growth of patogen mikroorganisme which is on finally will improve;repair elementary land;ground [of] fishpond.
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